Pricing Guide

Silver Package
40 edited photos (15 retouched)
40 minutes
1 Location of your choice
1 outfit/look per person

Gold Package
60 edited photos (20 retouched)
1 hour
up to 2 locations
up to 2 outfits/looks
Additional Photos
If you would like more photos than is allotted in the package, you may pay $10 for every 3 additional photos edited photos
Skin Retouching
The couples packages come with 10 retouched images of your choice (depending on the package). These are edited photos of your choosing that are included in your final gallery. Your photographer will take the time to remove any acne or blemishes and smoothen skin. The assumption is that these are the photos you plan on using the most for posting, invites, flyers, printing, etc. Additional retouching is $5 for every 2 photos and can be requested at any time.